The Half-Dead City
Session 1 Part 2
Roll Call:
Visceral, a broad-shouldered, half-orc Dark Knight who wields a wicked orcish double-ax
Tabitha Gale, a slight, young human Musket Master from across the sea
Katakama Iga-Ryu, an exiled Ninja from Tian Xia
Xavos Darksun, a half-elven Summoner from Varisia
Rogan Josh, a frail, dark-skinned human Oracle of Time
Katakama Iga-Ryu, an exiled Ninja from Tian Xia
Xavos Darksun, a half-elven Summoner from Varisia
Rogan Josh, a frail, dark-skinned human Oracle of Time
The weathered buildings and streets of Wati's necropolis stood in eerie silence, as the Mighty Ebon Lions made their way through its sand-covered streets towards the Tomb of Ahkentepi. In the distance, they could hear the howling of the Dog Soldier's canines, indicating that there was yet some excitement to be had in a city of the dead. Nevertheless, they arrived at the site without incident.
After clearing some sand from the entrance of the tomb, Visceral pried the doors open with a trusty crowbar. When they entered, they found themselves in small room with ancient stone statues standing guard at each corner. Two of the statues were identified by Rogan Josh as the Lady of Graves, but the other two remained unidentified. Some long forgotten pagan deity from Wati's past, no doubt. The way forward was blocked by a large stone disc. As the group contemplated how to move the stone, they were attacked from behind by an inquisitive scorpion, but it proved to be little more than a nuisance.
Xavos Darksun summoned his eidolon, a hulking brute of a beast to help Visceral move the giant stone barring their path. The two easily managed to roll the stone aside, giving the group access to small a room with a yawning pit descending into the tomb proper. A frayed bit of rope was hammered into the side of the pit, evidence that someone else had entered the tomb long ago.
At the bottom of the pit they found another door, and a partly decomposed human or half-elven body with shattered leg bones. The hapless victim obviously fell down the shaft and lingered in the room to die.
The doors before them were carved with a bas-relief of a young Ahkentepi adorned in full battle gear head held high. They easily slid oped to reveal a long hallway decorated on either side by faded murals of some great Osirion battle, and an older Ahkentepi commanding forces from the back of a chariot.
Sensing some kind of danger, Katakama meticulously searched the hallway for hidden traps and uncovered one at the far end of the hallway in front of another door. This was the beginning of what would prove to be a most successful trap-finding foray for the exiled ninja - for which, the others were most grateful.
The Lions then passed through a chamber with mummified cats and a painted tapestry of Ahkentepi and his family. Rogan Josh informed the party that the lettering described how Ahkentepi's family died in some tragedy while he was at war, leaving him a widower.
Further into the tomb they came across a magical mirror that a stern looking Ahkentepi appeared in, silently frowning at the would-be tomb robbers. Having encountered little resistance, the group then strode into a mummification preparation chamber full of confidence. But they were surprised by a couple of insectoid, spider-like creatures. One of them savagely injured Xavos' eidolon, sending the magical beast back to its home plane.
Deeper and deeper they went, with one less party member. As they approached the burial chamber, the group was assailed by a giant elemental sand snake. Many of their blows proved less than effective against the magical creature, but in the end, it was defeated with a well placed bullet from Tabitha's musket.
Finally, they entered what they believed to be the burial chamber of Ahkentepi. Katakama's keen senses detected that it was a false, trapped burial chamber and he deftly deactivated a flooding trap that could have spelled the entire group's doom. As the trap was deactivated, the sarcophagus sprang to life. Once again, it's hardness proved difficult for the group to damage, and when the sarcophagus "swallowed" Visceral, things indeed looked grim. But it was the combined efforts of Rogan Josh and Tabitha Gale, the former with his Wrecked Touch and the latter with her trusty musket, which proved to be the decisive tools in the animated objects demise.
Having freed Visceral from the sarcophagus, the group trudged on. Katakama failed to notice a trap on the next door and a swarm of locusts was summoned, eating away at Rogan Josh. Xavos, with is eidolon out of action, summoned a pony into the room, which the locust horde fed on as the group fled through the door and into the real burial chamber.
Once again the group found themselves in a burial chamber. They cautiously moved towards the sarcophagus, wary of some trap, but failed to notice the Iron Cobra lurking in the shadows. The beast swiftly struck at Katakama and Visceral in the front lines, causing some damage. Once again the group had a hard time penetrating the tough iron hide of the magical beast, but once again through determined attacks they proved victorious, with Visceral landing the killing blow.
The group then turned to looting the burial chamber. Within the sarcophagus, they found Ahkentepi's mummified body, along with a golden funerary mask, a magical shield and armour and other valuable trinkets. Having secured the loot they we're after, the group made their way back out of the tomb and through the necropolis to sell their spoils.
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