Friday, 20 June 2014

The House of Pentheru

The Half-Dead City

Session 2 Part 2

The Mighty Ebon Lions' Human Ninja Katakam Iga Ryu
by bcpstudio

Roll Call:

Visceral, a broad-shouldered, half-orc Dark Knight who wields a wicked orcish double-ax
Tabitha Gale, a slight, young human Musket Master from across the sea
Katakama Iga-Ryu, an exiled Ninja from Tian Xia
Xavos Darksun, a half-elven Summoner from Varisia

Following the directions given to them by the priests at the Grand Mausoleum, the Mighty Ebon Lions had no trouble locating the deserted manor in the necropolis, and they encountered no resistance on their trek.

The compound was surrounded by a 10ft. high brownstone wall. A gate, granting access to the manor hung broken on its hinges, allowing the group easy access to the site. As soon as they set foot inside the outer courtyard, which was worn from thousands of years of neglect, their ears were assaulted by the sounds of enemies clashing at the gates, indicating that the souls attached to the compound were not at rest.

A thorough investigation of the outer courtyard resulted in the uncovering of some skeletal servants, which the group dispatched of easily, and a handful of vermin, including a venomous snake, a colossal centipede hiding in a dried out pool and a swarm of scarab beetles, which took them considerable effort to dispatch through the use of oil and flame. Their search uncover a dirty, but useable adamantine heavy flail and the entrance to an under crypt carved with images of two men. The inscriptions, which were difficult to distinguish because their only Osiriani reader - Rogan Josh - was not with them, read Pentheru the Elder and Pentheru the Younger.

Deciding the scour the depths of the crypt before entering the manor, the Mighty Ebon Lions descended into the inky depths of the under-earth. Xavos lit the end of Sir Pounces sword with a light spell to give some measure of visibility to their expedition. The first room was a preparation chamber, filled with canonic jars and statues depicting the ancient Osiriani god Anubis. As the moved forward down a long narrow hallway, they inadvertently tripped a trap, though no immediate consequences could be discerned. A few chambers later, while investigating a half finished tomb, the party was attacked by a mob of mummified cats, which they smashed to tiny bits without much effort.

When they reached the sarcophagus of Pentheru the Younger, they lifted the lid to loot the body, only to be hit by a powerful wave of magical fear that sent Xavos and Visceral running back to the surface. Unfortunately, Xavos' escaped took him back past the trap they armed earlier and he was neatly pin cushioned by a bevy of hidden spears. Fortunately for him, he was rescued by his mates shortly there after (after they took their time looting the funerary accoutrements of Pentheru).

Satisfied that they had exhausted their exterior investigations, the Mighty Ebon Lions entered the manor, which they now knew to be the House of Pentheru. Inside they were assailed by the haunting vestiges of the house's final moments, as it was overrun by hordes of diseased peasants who had succumbed to Lamashtu's Plague of Madness. The shouts of the guards, the whispered loving promises of Pentheru's youngest daughter to her betrothed, and the howls of the anguished all assailed the groups' senses, but they soldiered on, defeated a handful of skeletal guards on the main level, and a bevy of floating skulls in the dining room, uncovering valuable silverware and a magical ring in the process.

When they ascended to the second floor, they rummaged through some of the bedrooms, uncovered some art and some silver, and came face-to-face with the new master of the house: a monstrous, tentacled, be-horned, floating head known as Imanish. The vile creature ensorcelled Sir Pounce and made him savagely attack Visceral, but in the end the cold iron blades of Katakama and the bullets of Tabitha felled the beast before it's Vargouille lackeys could enter the fray. With their leader dead, the Vargouille's flew off in search of easier prey.

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