Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The Sanctum of the Erudite Eye

The Half-Dead City

Session 3 Part 2

Roll Call:

Tabitha Gale, a slight, young human Musket Master from across the sea
Katakama Iga-Ryu, an exiled Ninja from Tian Xia
Xavos Darksun, a half-elven Summoner from Varisia
Rogan Josh, a frail, dark-skinned human Oracle of Time

Having successfully defeated an ambush set for them in the broken streets of the necropolis, the Mighty Ebon Lions arrived at the entrance of the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye. Upon entering, they immediately noticed that the interior was in much better shape than the rest of the buildings in the dead city, as if someone or something were taking care to keep it clean. They also noticed tracks in the entranceway, indicating that no less than four people had been through the area recently.

Undead jackals await the party in the entranceway
of the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye
by bcpstudio

As they made their way deeper into the columned entranceway, six creatures ambled out of the darkness, their skeletal claws clicking on the stone tiles. The recently risen corpses of six jackals lumbered across the distance between the two parties and immediately set to surrounding Katakama to tear him apart. The fleet-footed ninja was able to dance around their snapping jaws and avoid being brought down by the determined pack. Tabitha dove into a roll to try and get a better shot at two of the undead jackals, but she misfired. Katakama and Sir Pounce managed to beat down the beasts before things got ugly however, allowing the Mighty Ebon Lions to continue on. Upon examining the undead jackals, it was clear to the group that someone killed these beasts and then rose them up in undeath to prevent any would-be investigators from entering the Sanctum.

Warily, they continued through the temple, coming across a kitchen, a small pool, and a small chapel, where they were accosted by the shambling undead corpses of blasphemous Nethysian clerics. The two undead creatures were pinned into a small area and easily picked off by the Lions.

The Agash Div uses his foul magic
by bcpstudio
Moving out into a a larger worship area, they came across a magical pool of protection, and a giant statue of Nethys, its hands outstretched. Behind the statue, Katakama espied a horrid Agash Div, a ragged demonic soul with wicked talons and a fanged vertical mouth. As the mouth opened, a giant maddened eye became visible, casting its baleful glance at the group. Combat was joined from a distance, and the Agash used his magic to ensorcel Sir Pounce and force him to attack his summoner Xavos. Luckily the eidolon missed, but as the group turned their attention back to the dais where the Agash had been, they discovered it had disappeared.

Cautious of another ambush, the group moved on once again, finding themselves in a library. Scrolls and books were scattered across the floor, with contents removed - more evidence that someone had been there ahead of them. Searching through the mess, they managed to recover some minor magical scrolls and uncovered a secret compartment in one of the walls. Katakama opened the secret compartment, but was immediately attacked by an animated scroll, which wrapped itself around his head and started to suffocate him. Luckily for the group, Rogan Josh's ability to destroy objects by touch ensured that Katakama was not harmed during the animated scroll's removal. While the group was distracted by the animated scroll, the Agash Div reappeared behind them, cursing Xavos. The party managed to score a couple of blows against the creature, before it once again dimension doored to a safe place.

With the library cleared, the Lions rummaged through the contents of the hidden compartment, uncovering a couple of wands and a magical tablet, as well as a several thousand year old engraving which hinted at greater mysteries deeper in the temple:

By Royal Order of Pharaoh Djederet II
…The high priest of our blessed temple shall take this relic to our new city where the Asp and the Crook join and ensure it is never discovered. Treat it with reverence, but conceal it with your most trusted secrets. Do not attempt its destruction. Do not be tempted by its powers. Let our scandal remain forgotten until this obscenity can be undone.

Fearing that whoever got there before them might uncover this relic first, the Mighty Ebon Lions continued on into the darkness of the abandoned Sanctum...